The Famous Berry Donut Van


Located approximately 150km (90 minutes) south of Sydney on the Princes Highway, lies the small yet bustling township of Berry.

Berry is situated amongst some of the greenest of pastures in the state, ideal for raising healthy livestock and growing fresh produce.

It is this locally grown fresh produce that puts Berry on the map and makes the town a must visit for any tourist in New South Wales.

Berry is a one street township, but packs in a diverse range of businesses that appeal to all walks of life passing through.

Here you will find shops filled with collectables & antiques, bakeries, café’s, restaurants, pubs, art galleries and even a lolly shop (Bon Bon) which has it all and more for all the sweet tooths out there.

Yes, I know what you are thinking! What else could they possibly have on this one street that surpasses all those businesses previously mentioned?

Well let me share with you the one treat I cannot resist when passing through this beautiful town.

Out of all the fresh produce on offer in and around this town, the donuts from the Famous Berry Donut Van are to die for!

Don’t get me wrong, the fresh produce is like no other in the state… but the donuts are just second to none, they surpass all else.


As you are travelling south through Berry, next to the shell service station right down the very end, you will come across the Famous Berry Donut Van. This old caravan has been refurbished and renovated in order to serve its customers the best doughnuts on this planet.

Approaching the Van you will notice that this van also sells pies, sausage rolls, hot dogs, coffee, tea, milkshakes and also an assortment of cold beverages to accompany your mouth-watering donuts.

The price of the donuts is very reasonable at $8 for 6.

You can buy 1 for $1.50… but really… don’t kid yourself.. once you have one, you will want another 5 or 10.

Don’t be surprised if you have to join a queue and then have wait 10 minutes for your order. The queue is due word-of-mouth which proves just how ridiculously good these donuts are and the wait is a result of all donuts being made fresh to order. No donut is ever sitting out going cold waiting for a customer to buy.


Once you have ordered, take a seat at one of the chairs and tables provided and wait for your number to be called.

Oh and don’t forget to have some napkins handy as more than likely you will be drooling uncontrollably as everyone around you is devouring their goodness of fried dough.

To tease you a little more, as your number is called and you think you can finally dig into your donuts; you will need to be patient just a little longer for the donuts to cool down.

There is literally a matter of 20-30 seconds from the time the doughnuts are taken out of the vat of oil, into a mixture of cinnamon and sugar and into the bag ready for the customer.

From the outside, the donuts look like any ordinary donut but its the inside  that takes this donut  to a whole new level!

Your first bite will be that of heaven. The texture is like no other donut tasted before. The batter is a unique homemade recipe, especially created to give you this fine specimen of fried doughy goodness.

Rather than having an airy, light texture like your average donut, these donuts are dense, moist, yet still very fluffy which just melts in your mouth every bite you take.



Before you know it, you will be 6 donuts down, 0 left in the bag and voices will appear in your head… “should I or shouldn’t I”… in regards to purchasing another lot for family and friends, knowing quite well they will not last the drive home.

If ever you are contemplating on something to do one lazy Sunday when the weather is fine, take a drive down south and visit this unique rural town. Oh and of course, pay a visit to the donut van, you will not be disappointed.

Just make sure you don’t forget the most important thing. Your appetite!

Happy Eating!


Please share this page amongst your friends & family. All feedback is welcome.

Please also feel free to comment on this page with any experiences you’ve had in Berry and/or their donuts. 

3 thoughts on “The Famous Berry Donut Van

  1. All the times I have driven through Berry I have never stopped at the Donut Van……I will make it my mission to do so next trip!

  2. iDEEFINATELY A MUST !! Craving Donuts!!! This is great to know considering i have driven past Berry and stopped a few times and never gone by the Donut Van!!!

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