Introducing One Hungry Human

The name says it all. I live for food, I breathe food and I am constantly thinking of my next meal. The effect food has on me can only be described as unusual but highly satisfying. There is no better feeling then finding a food joint that serves a plate of food that is out of this world. A plate of food you cannot wait to tell people about, share your experience and the greatest element of all, the repetition is one that never gets boring.

The creation of this blog is a result of my love for food, to share with you my thoughts on food, dining experiences and to provide an insight on the type of food I find enjoyable to cook for my friends and family.

Ever since I was a little kid, my excitement for food has been second to none. If I wasn’t entertaining myself with sport, I was to be found scoffing my face with anything I could get my hands on. 20 years on, nothing has really changed.

I couldn’t have asked for any more than to be able to grow up on mums cooking. OK, so she is no Michelin star chef, but her ability to cook delicious meals for my family using minimal ingredients is where my excitement for food was born. It has really shown me, and given me the appreciation that with food, sometimes less is more.

It has only really been the last few years that my eyes have widened to the ever growing food scene that is present throughout this beautiful planet. Having flicked on the TV and watching guys like Anthony Bourdain (No Reservations) eating his way around the world, Andrew Zimmern (Bizarre foods) consuming the unthinkable, and Adam Richman (Man VS Food) challenging the size of his stomach by pigging out at Americas favourite pig out joints.   I suddenly realised my excitement for food had turned into my love and passion. The guys mentioned above have also made me hungry (excuse the pun) to travel the world and experience first hand just how fascinating and diverse the global food scene really is.

To start things off I will be hitting my hometown of Sydney, eating my way through both well-known and not so well known establishments. Exploring Eateries that offer the quick yet sumptuous meals for those diners needing a quick fix as well as trying to uncover some hidden gems to share with you all.

I hope you enjoy the content that will be posted on this blog and it brings you as much excitement as it does for me sharing my experiences with you all. Don’t forget to keep coming back to read the latest instalments of One Hungry Human.

Until Next Time

Happy Eating!

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